Bill Plotkin - Nature and Soul
“A genuine elder possesses a good deal of wildness, perhaps more than any adult, adolescent or child. Our human wildness is our spontaneity, our untamed vitality, our innocent presence, our resistance to oppression, and our rule-transcending vivacity and self-reliance that social convention can never contain. We are designed to grow deeper into that wildness as we mature, not to recede from it. When we live soulcentrically, immersed in a lifelong dance with the mysteries of nature and psyche, our wildness flourishes. A wild elderhood is not a cantankerous old age or a devil-may-care attitude, nor is it stubbornness or dreamy detachment. Rather, the wildness of elderhood is a spunky exuberance in unmediated, ecstatic communion with the great mysteries of life—the birds, fishes, tress, mammals, the stars and galaxies, and the dream of the Earth” ~Bill Plotkin
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
The Weather and Climate Story
Rowing the dingy across the harbor to land, my two younger cousins in tow, I am excited to explore uninhabited Garden Island, one o...
Backyard feeding station with pups looking for dropped seed. Lots of birds at my feeder this morning. Black-capped Chickadees, Blue Ja...
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