Bill Plotkin - Nature and Soul

“A genuine elder possesses a good deal of wildness, perhaps more than any adult, adolescent or child. Our human wildness is our spontaneity, our untamed vitality, our innocent presence, our resistance to oppression, and our rule-transcending vivacity and self-reliance that social convention can never contain. We are designed to grow deeper into that wildness as we mature, not to recede from it. When we live soulcentrically, immersed in a lifelong dance with the mysteries of nature and psyche, our wildness flourishes. A wild elderhood is not a cantankerous old age or a devil-may-care attitude, nor is it stubbornness or dreamy detachment. Rather, the wildness of elderhood is a spunky exuberance in unmediated, ecstatic communion with the great mysteries of life—the birds, fishes, tress, mammals, the stars and galaxies, and the dream of the Earth” ~Bill Plotkin

Friday, November 10, 2017

Michigan's Winter Wonderland

What is it about snow? It magically appears overnight and suddenly the day dawns bright, clean and fresh. Even the dogs know something special has happened, the world transformed as they dash happily around the yard. Even though the storm rolls in with gray skies, an air of excitement begins the day, making everything in the world feel OK. 

Whiteness has blanketed the earth and every tree branch, creating beauty. With snow on the ground, I can’t help but think of the upcoming holidays and all of the holidays past. The different seasons of the year, much like hearing a favorite song on the radio, strikes a chord of remembrance. The firsts flakes of winter may transport us back in time, remind of us of special moments spent with our children who are now grown, rekindle memories of parents who played with us in the snow, makes me smile thinking of all the time I have spent in the outdoors with my husband. 

From making snow angels as a young child to hiking in local nature preserves with my family and dogs last winter, snow is the common denominator. Snow forts, sledding, x-country skiing, snowshoeing, hiking, nature journaling…these are all things that have gotten me out and engaged me with the wild wet wonderfulness of winter.

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